
American Legion Post 642 (Stevens Creek) Cupertino, California


Post Information and Location


Welcome to American Legion Post 642 Stevens Creek located in Cupertino, California. We are one of the 12 Posts located in District 13 which encompasses all of Santa Clara County.  We are a dynamic group of  over 80 Veterans (male and female) that have served from the Korean War through the Global War on Terror (GWOT), and continue to serve our community and veterans today. Our Post supports various Veteran organizations financially and performing volunteer work such as the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs (VA), The Fisher House, Defenders Lodge, De Anza Student Veterans Association, sponsoring high school students at the American Legion Boys State and providing scholarships to De Anza College Veterans and High School Seniors.

Post 642 unlike most American Legion posts does not own it's own building nor is it open during the day. Our Post meets on the first Monday each month (second Monday if there is a Federal Holiday on the first Monday) at 1900 hrs. We have a free dinner that is served from 1800-1900 hours to include refreshments, and we consider it our social hour where the members and guests can mingle and enjoy each others company. Our business meeting starts at 1900 hrs. We have guest speakers that provide information for our members and fellow Veterans. Our Post also has field trips/visits to local places of interest and we also hold a Summer BBQ/Picnic and Christmas/Holiday Dinner.  

If you are interested in checking out our Post, please feel free to attend one of our meetings which are held at 20589 Homestead Road (In the Oddfellows Building) in Cupertino CA.  If you are interested in finding out more about our post please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.